Monday, February 8, 2010


Since one of my goals for this blog is to try to be transparent, I would like to share a personal struggle that I have dealt with in the past, but find myself also dealing with as I am now here in Spain.

One of my main goals in coming to Spain is to perfect my language skills, both oral and written. More specifically, I would like to improve my professional writing skills in Spanish as well as be able to better communicate verbally with more ease and less grammatical errors. Well, today I got really frustrated with myself because I didn’t feel that I was where I need to be nor where I want to be in relation to my Spanish language skills. That frustrates me. First, I am at the graduate level, and secondly, I am a Spanish instructor. I feel like I have a certain standard that I need to uphold for myself, so I cannot help but get upset with myself when I mess up or say something wrong.

It’s not simply making mistakes that frustrate me. Being completely honest, I still get nervous when speaking Spanish, especially to people who I think are going to judge me. I’m not referring to experiencing shyness or timidity, but rather fear. I mean real, stomach-churning, make-you-wanna-run-away type of fear. You know, the kind that manifests physiologically. This fear itself is counterintuitive because when I get nervous, I make even more mistakes. I know this may be hard for some to understand because you all think, “Teljer is not shy”. True. But that doesn’t mean that I’m fearless or that don’t struggle with fear of speaking. It is even hard for me to process because I want this so badly! People have many times told me “hablas muy bien español,” ("you speak Spanish really well") but sometimes that is not good enough. I want to speak like a native speaker and anything that falls just shy of that is not good enough for me. I want it so badly that sometimes it makes me want to cry.

But alas, reality keeps me in check. Really, I have only been in Spain for a little over a week. I know that I am a perfectionist, but I need to remind myself to take it in stride, setting realistic goals for myself. If I am not careful, my temporary frustration may make me forget or even disregard all the hard work that I have done to even get to the point where I’m at.

I got some great advice from one of my roommates tonight. She said “cuando tengas esas ideas, siempre mira hacia atras en tu camino y lo que has logrado, eso te motivará para lo que sigue.” ("Whenever you have those thoughts, always look back at the path from which you've come and what you've attained and that is what will motivate you for what's ahead"). Words of wisdom. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

So what is the resolution to this all? That I am not giving up! I am going to keep working at it. I know that I am hard on myself. But my ambition and hard work need to be seasoned with patience, positivity, and hope. Sigh. Indeed, I have a journey in front of me, but I am hopeful that it has a happy ending.


  1. You know what too, though? There is something called "the plateau"...this is when you're already advanced enough that improvement is really hard to perceive. You perceive your skills as plateauing but in fact they're getting better as time goes by. This is a process that happens slowly (but sureley!). Don't get discouraged. You're getting there!

  2. I love your honesty in sharing this. Having worked with you closely on projects that I won't even mention, I do remember that you are a perfectionist and hold yourself to a high standard, and I think that is what makes you the extraordinary person that you are. Agreeing with Cesar and his comment on plateauing, although you may not notice it, you are certainly taking steps in the right direction. And it's is so amazing that you are in Spain. Do your thing girl! :-)

  3. I do have one request: please provide translations for any Spanish phrases you might slip into your posts. Some of us took French in school. lol

  4. @César and Danielle, thanks so much guys. It was kind of hard to share something that personal, so I really appreciate the encouragement. I am definitely going to keep working on it.

    Oh, and I'll make sure to translate my phrases in Spanish, I wouldn't want to encourage any internet translation, hahaha ;)

  5. Hey Teljer,
    Glad to have you aboard the HJ Blog Family!! I look forward to hearing more about your adventures...and only look forward to some insight regarding this "racist" claim I hear about Spaniards. Please shed some light on that!
    Feel free to check out my 2 day-old baby "Tica Tattleteller" over at We can follow each other!

    Pura Vida,

  6. One more thing re the fear, a weakness for many people- we tend to be our own worst enemy at times. If you think honestly about it, it's really hard for us to measure our own progress ourselves, that's why we usually thrive on getting promotions at work, and degrees/diplomas from school because we have a concrete symbol that screams "YOU'VE GROWN." You mentioned a good point, which is, set smaller and reasonable goals for yourself and then when you meet them- celebrate and keep moving forward!

    I'm glad you have found some physical support there, in terms of a friend, that makes all the difference sometimes!
